Friday, April 19, 2013

Workplace - Your Second Home

This is the place where every striving employee work their asses out to have a fruitful outcome, where he make sure that every details or procedure is carefully and excruciatingly followed to have a profitable results. These causes the employee a sleepless night, stressful day, shortened break time, and neglected social life. Just for them to meet any deadlines and a happy 15th and 30th day, yes, only 2 days of the month, the payment for your slavery (OK that’s too much!).

So most of the companies nowadays make their work place comfortable and a stress free environment, a spacious table/cubicle, a lounging area, a fridge full or Cobra (energy drink), sometimes there’s also a gym and a pool. These companies believed that if their employees are working blissfully, it will reflect on the outcome. Creating a much more profitable, commercially advanced product that they, the boss, will be 100 times richer than they are now. As some Chinese Businessman said, “Pag masaya empleyado, masaya negosyo!” (if employees where happy, the business is happy). This Chinese Proverb has been applied and believed that they've created a second home for their workers.

But there are more companies who just don’t care and whip their slave to make them richer.


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